National Leader in Valuation and Appraisal Services.

Sample Appraisal: Woman Statue

Appraisal ID: 10295
Appraised On: Jan 22, 2006
Market Value: $ 30.00
Replacement Value: $ 40.00


Based on additional information provided, this figurine is made of clay. The maker’s mark belongs to a plastics manufacturer. Since plastic wasn’t used until the early 1950s, this figurine wouldn’t have been made until after that time. We believe this is a copy of a sculpture that was copyrighted in 1908, possibly originally produced in bronze since this piece is colored to resemble bronze. It is unclear if ‘Ione” is the name of the woman depicted or the artist, but we can find no record of a sculptor named Ione. Based on comparative data for other figurines recently sold, and considering the similarities and differences for the condition, size, artistic merit, and age, we have valued the subject piece as indicated.

Item/Title: Says IONE on front & 219 on back
Date/Period of Manufacture: Copyrighted 1908
Condition: good?
Manufacturer/Artist/Author: The Boston Plastic Art Co. – Boston , Mass
Dimensions (HxWxD): ~5 lbs , ~10.5 in height , ~4 in width at widest point
History/Provenance: passed down through family members, acquired it in 2000


This online appraisal report is an appraisal expert’s opinion of value based on market comparable research of the item description and images supplied by our customer. No further guarantee of authenticity, genuineness, attribution or authorship is represented.

Current Fair Market Value is the price agreed on between a willing buyer and seller, neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the facts.

Replacement Value is the price in terms of money that would be required to replace the property in question with another of similar age, quality, origin, appearance, provenance and condition, within a reasonable length of time in an appropriate market.

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